The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up


Link to API:

See also: Resources Hub, Immortal Rank Meta API

This API is free for non-commercial use. API Keys can be requested via Discord. Any commercial uses of this API or data without consent is prohibited (along with access abuses).

API keys for commercial uses (along with higher rate limits), as well as advanced tools and APIs, as well as better documentation, consulting and feature implementation on request can be done through mail or discord (to discuss the terms of possible collaboration).

TL;DR: This is not even a proper API. It's incosistent and it's basically trash in terms of engineering. There are important reasons why it's so and I touched some of them below. The most important part is it's just a placeholder API. It's going to be available anyway, BUT I'm working on a much bigger thing that will replace this old stats hub and LRG2API as a result. I will update it to be more consistent in future, but it's not a priority for me. The whole point of this API's existance is to have access to the data to make some other apps related to it. That's also why there's no proper documentation, why LRG2 is not maintained anymore and so on: there are other priorities and working with all this mess is just not worth the time.

So here’s the deal.

I said a long time ago that I’m not really interested in reworking LRG2 codebase into something decent and I’d rather make something new. However I have a good amount of data and other reports now and I should provide an API to access this.

LRG2API is mostly reusing code from the main web view script (WV from this point). However it’s much more clean and has some additional features on top of that.

There’s no routing. It’s using a modline parser I was using for WV. Data in API essentially mirrors module structure from WV and you can just copy modline from here and get the same data from API.

Describing data structure for every single thing here may be too much and you’ll probably test the endpoint yourself first. The structure is pretty simple by itself and every valid modline returns the same data as its WV counterpart. However there are some unique things I’d like to mention some API-unique things here (and there will be a structure for it as well, marked by [EXCL]).

Ah, and another thing. The format of reports lacks consistency. There are a lot of reasons why it happened, but it doesn’t matter that much right now. What matters is you have to deal with it since most of data in this API are fetched from the reports directly. There’s also an endpoint that returns full report “as is”. It’s recommended to use if you need to perform a lot of requests (and from the raw report you can get virtually every single bit of data that I can). But in most cases it’s better to use specific API calls instead since LRG2API provides a bit of consistency and makes it less painful to work with the old reports’ format.

And another another thing. One of the “consistency” problems is numbers being strings all around the place. It actually has a reason to be like that in the reports and I don’t want to fix every single thing in API endpoints descriptors. You can handle it yourself, I believe in you, kiddo.

There’s also a note about versions format. It’s basically a number based on Opendota versions with a postfix to indicate specific lettered patch. For example, 4200 is 7.23(a), then 4201 is 7.23b, 4202 is 7.23c and so on.

Now it’s time to talk about methods

One major GET parameter is report. It specifies a tag of a report to load. If such report exists then GET mod is parsed. This is case one – Report is loaded. The second case is opposite and it has some unique endpoints.

There's also a thing called "repeater". Basically (if the method supports it) you can pass a comma delimited input (e.g. 1,2,3,5) or an asterisk (*) instead of value. The resulting set will have responses for all selected values (asterisk selects all possible values) for this method.


  • (GET) league – report tag for report endpoints

  • (GET) gets – a comma-delimited list of parameters (for non-report endpoints)

  • (GET) mod – Modpath to execute. It’s readed from last to read to find the next specified method. Think of modline as of a path to a file with directory names. You can use / or - as separators.

    • Modline examples: heroes-positions-position_1.1, regions/region2/heroes/meta_graph
    • The modline if being read right to left so you can specify a very long modline, but as soon as it finds a correct endpoint, it gets executed regardless of everything else.
    • Modline can contain some parameters (described below as MODL). Modline parameters can be placed anywhere in modline.
  • (MODL) region# – sets region variable to # value (expected region codes listed in metadata)

  • (MODL) position_C.L – sets position to C.L code, where C is Core flag (0/1) and L is lane flag

  • (MODL) heroid# – sets heroid to # value (based on in-game hero IDs)

  • (MODL) playerd# – sets playerid to # value (steam userid 3 expected)

  • (MODL) team# – sets team to # value (expected dota team ID), alias teamid#

  • (MODL) itemid# – sets item to # value (expected dota item ID)

  • (GET) rep – report tag (for non-report endpoints)

  • (GET) pretty – flag, if it’s used response will be nicely formatted

  • (GET) desc – flag, adds report descriptor to the response if set

  • (GET) teamcard – flag, adds team card to the response if set

  • (GET) search – search query used for search

  • (GET) item_cat – comma delimited list of item categories, allowed values are `all`, `major`, `medium` (~1-2.5k gold items) and `early` (early game items), used only by items modules

  • (GET) simple_matchcard – GET flag, returns ALL match cards as simplified ones

  • (GET) include_matches – (for team profiles) GET flag, returns matches of players on heroes as matchcards if set

Typical data objects

Report Descriptor

    "tag": "league_tag",
    "name": "Report Name",
    "desc": "Report Description",
    "id": 1234, // league ID of a report if specified, null otherwise
    "first_match": {
        "mid": "123455678", // match id
        "date": "15231231313" // unix timestamp
    "last_match": {
        "mid": "123455678", // match id
        "date": "15231231313" // unix timestamp
    "matches": 123, // number of matches
    "ver": [4,2,0,0,0], // version of the report generator
    "days": 10, // number of days of the report
    "anonymous_players": true/false, // shows if player data is in the report
    "matches_additional": true/false, // true if additional matches data is in the report
    "tvt": true/false, // true if it's team vs team league
    "teams": [...], // if tvt is true - array of team IDs (not set if false)
    "players": [...], // if tvt is false and report is not anonymous - array of player IDs
    "regions": [...], // array of region IDs if there are regions in the report
    "style": "...", // custom style name if set
    "logo": "...", // custom logo name if set
    "endpoints": [...] // array of correct endpoints (only shows up in `info` endpoint)


Match Card

    "match_id": "1234567890",
    "players": {
        "radiant": [
                "player_id": "123456", // steam userid3
                "player_name": "player name",
                "hero_id": "123"
        "dire": [
            // same as radiant
    "teams": { // team ids
        "radiant": "123456",
        "dire": "1234556",
    "score": {
        "radiant": "10",
        "dire": "20"
    "radiant_win": "1", // it's secretly a boolean flag
    "networth": {
        "radiant": "123456",
        "dire": "123145"
    "duration": "2000", // seconds
    "cluster": "200",
    "region": "1",
    "date": "12345678901" // unix timestamp


Team Card

    "team_id": 5,
    "team_name": "INVICTUS GAMING",
    "matches": "10",
    "wins": "7",
    "winrate": 70, // from 0 to 100
    "gpm": "2268.4000",
    "xpm": "2633.9000",
    "kills": 26.8,
    "deaths": 22.8,
    "assists": 59.1,
    "regions": 12,
    "roster": [
            "player_id": "101259972",
            "player_name": "IG.Oli~",
            "position": "0.0"
    "top_heroes": [ // up to 4
            "hero_id": 79,
            "matches_picked": "5",
            "wins_picked": null
    "top_pairs": [ // up to 3
            "hero_ids": [
            "matches": "3",
            "winrate": 66.67


Player card

    "player_id": "85937380",
    "player_name": "player name",
    "team_id": 67,
    "matches": "12",
    "wins": "8",
    "winrate": 66.67, // 0-100
    "gpm": "582.3333",
    "xpm": "599.5833",
    "hero_pool": "9",
    "regions": [
    "heroes": { // up to 4
        "72": {
            "matches": "4",
            "wins": "2"
    "positions": {
        "1.1": {
            "matches": "6",
            "wins": "5"



It’s fairly simple to explain. It doesn’t have a structure and is used in summary-like modules (positions for example). It’s just an object without any fixed structure, every key corresponds for a value. That’s pretty much it.

Report is loaded

  • info (returns report information, fallback endpoint)
  • overview (may use region)
  • records (may use region)
  • heroes/haverages (may use region)
  • players/haverages (may use region, may return null for some reports, like immortal rank meta ones)
  • participants (returns a list of player cards, may be empty for non-player reports)
  • participants-teams (returnsa a list of teams cards, may be empty if there are no teams)
  • matches (may use region and team)
  • heroes/combos (may use region and team)
  • players/combos (may use region)
  • meta_graph (may use region, team)
  • party_graph (may use region)
  • heroes/pickban (may use region)
  • heroes/draft (may use region, team)
  • players/draft (may use region, team)
  • heroes/draftvs (requires team)
  • heroes/positions (returns positions overview by default, may use region, team and position)
  • players/positions (returns positions overview by default, may use region, team and position)
  • [EXCL] heroes/positions_matches (may use region, team and requires heroid, returns null if this data is not in the report)
  • [EXCL] players/positions_matches (may use region, team and requires playerid, returns null if this data is not in the report)
  • pvp (requires playerid, returns full data otherwise, not available for teams reports)
  • hvh (requires heroid, returns full data otherwise)
  • heroes/laning (requires heroid, returns total data otherwise, not available for teams/regions)
  • heroes/summary (may use region)
  • players/summary (may use region)
  • heroes/sides (may use region)
  • players/sides (usually doesn't exist in a report, may use region)
  • teams/summary
  • [EXCL] matchcards (requires gets, returns match cards for matches listed in gets)
  • [EXCL] teams_raw (requires team, returns raw team object from report)
  • teams/cards
  • teams/roster (may use team)
  • teams/grid (may use region)
  • [EXCL] teams/grid/raw (same as regular grid, but returns raw TVT data object)
  • [EXCL] teams/grid/source (same as regular grid, but returns unpacked TVT data)
  • items/overview
  • items/stats and items/boxplots (identical) - may use item variable, returns total if not set
  • items/heroes and items/heroboxplots (identical) - may use hero variable
  • items/icombos - may use item variable, returns total if not set
  • items/irecords - may use item variable, returns overview if not set
  • items/icritical - may use hero variable
  • items/progression and items/proglist (identical) - may use hero variable, returns overview if not set
  • items/progrole - may use hero and position, supports repeaters for both, if hero is not set returns the list of all possible role progressions for every hero
  • items/builds - may use hero and position, pretty much same rules as progrole
  • heroes/daily_wr
  • heroes/wrtimings
  • heroes/wrplayers
  • heroes/profiles - requires heroid
  • players/profiles - requires playerid
  • items/profiles - requires itemid
  • heroes/rolepickban - also works for regions and teams, requires heroes-positions to be enabled
  • milestones

Non-report endpoints

  • list (may use cat, returns list of existing reports for selected category and categories for them)
  • metadata (requires gets, returns metadata, mirrors the same data you can get from github/leamare/D2-LRG-Metadata)
  • locales (requires gets, returns locale objects used by LRG2 WV)
  • getcache (returns raw cache used for lists)
  • raw (requires rep, returns raw report)
  • search (requires search, returns list of reports found)