So, here's the story. I wanted to make a small resource hub that would have all the dota related resources, including player photos, hero renderers, hero portraits, leeague logos, team logos, etc
I needed for my other projects and adding this stuff would make things easier for me. So I made one.
It's technically not a CDN, but it's kind of similar in its base idea. And it also goes through Cloudflare and gets cached by it.
All images can be requested as .png and .jpg. You can specify format in the link, but you can also omit it, then .png is used by default. JPG images are using grey as a background.
There is one GET parameter — size. You can specify the size of an image you want to get. Possible values:
There are some cases when you can't use "big", "medium", "small" and "tiny" modifiers. In fact, there are only two cases when it actually works — artifact/full_art
and dota/renderers
If you access a folder path, you will get a list of available images in the folder OR a list of available folders inside of that folter. Unless there's a special fallback image. Fallback image is enabled for player photos, leagues and teams
Main path is
Everything else goes from there.
First of all, most of the stuff that is present across multiple games is united in the same category.
There are two main folders: dota
and artifact
. Dota folder includes dotaverse stuff reelated to heroes, as well as things for competitive dota. Artifact folder contains artifact specific icons and resources and art. I will not document Artifact folder contents for the sake of my own sanity.
But here's what you can find in dota/
— alliancees icons from Dota Underlords, 128x128 pngs, file names are alliance names in loweercase
— hero icons, not resizable 32x32 pngs, includes arcana/persona icons, artifact heroes, as well as underlords (their icons are 40x40) and some neutral creeps and units; file names are hero tags in lowercase
— items art, 88x64 px, file names are item tag names in lowercase
— Dota Underlords items, 256x256 pngs, file names are item tag names in lowercase
— Resources for dota 2 copetitive leagues, converted to a unified format, requested by league id; examples (using id 12245)
— general banner, 512x200 pximages/dota/leagues/12245_square.png
— square banner, 512x512 pximages/dota/leagues/12245_ticket.png
— ticket banner, 600x400 pximages/dota/leagues/12245.png
— same as _bannerplayers
— player photos (based on TI compendiums / player cards photos), requested using a player's steam id 3, 250x250 px, returns fallback image if the player's photo is missing
— horizontal hero portraits, 128x72 px
, as well as all the arcana/persona iconsportraits_vert
— vertical portraits, 142x188 px
— custom made dota 2 hero renderers with transparent background
— dota 2 skills icons, as well as underlords skill icons
— team's logo, 250x150 px, requested by the team's ID; if the team has no logo or it can't be fetched, the default one is returned
If the team is using a square image for the logo, it will be resized to 250x150 anyway. Don't use square logos.
Well actually kind of use square logos. Aside from regular teams/%teamid%
you can also request teams/square_%teamid%
. Square logos are generated automatically based on team's logo provided by Valve CDN. If the logo's image is square, then it will be used. Otherwise it will be cropped to the content, then resized. Content detection is based on common background color on the edges, it's also used to fill empty space of the generated square logos. Square logos are 250x250 px. Some of square logos are managed manually (replaced with a better image by me).
There are a total of 7 default team logos you can use:
— fallback imagedire.png
and radiant.png
— default factions logosdire_alt.png
and radiant_alt.png
— alternative factions icons, used on TI showmatchesdire_logo.png
and radiant_logo.png
— alternative factions logos, using their actual in-game logosunderlords_yos
— Dota Underlords Yos, 256x256 pngs, starting with season 1 (and three from proto pass)
— Dota Underlords and Dota 2 Sprays, 512x512 pngs