Multifaceted Choice: Facets update devlog

Reports Update Schedule #

Report is a calculated version of the match data for the event (or any other collection of matches).

Here are the schedule used to update the reports:

  • Competitive reports — after a match is played (0-3 minute delay after the match), analysis might be missing
  • Competitive reports nightly analysis retries — 4:22 a.m. CET
  • Builds update — 6:30 a.m. CET
  • Competitive Meta/Season reports daily update – 9:00 CET
  • Ranked reports update (this schedule is subject to change, depending on how much data there will be at different times)
    • match collection starts at 23:00 CET, collecting matches played since the last loop
    • match list is ready at 4:00 CET
    • data collection and processing takes at least 5 hours, usually about 9-12 (~15:00 CET)
    • updating ranked reports takes some time, depending on the size of the report
      • early patch reports usually take about 15-40 minutes
      • last week meta reports usually take 80 minutes
      • main patch report after 2 weeks usually takes about 3-6 hours (depending on how long the patch was)
      • main loop ended, high rank reports processing starts (at about 21:00 CET)
      • all ranked segments are usually updated in the next 3 hours (at about 00:00 CET)
    • Complete update cycle ends at 14:00 CET.